ms monterey community at point lobosMS Monterey rocks when it comes to “Community & Connection!” Look at what members are saying about MS Monterey.

“The camaraderie, the ongoing shared concern for each other, the social park gatherings and the helpful water exercises (particularly balloon ball) makes this a very special caring group. Each one cares for the other.” 

Carolyn Millard 

“When anyone is fighting any problem in their life, they feel alone and sometimes overwhelmed.

When people get together and become friends, it lifts their spirits and energy to keep trying and keep moving forward.

That’s what the MS Swim Group and the MPC Adaptive PE program do for me. I see others experiencing similar problems and doing a lot to overcome. They lift me up, and I take my mind off myself. It really helps.”

Ginny Rettinger

We invite you to be part of the MS Monterey family by joining us for any or, better yet, all the activities below.

  • Art with Sophie
  • Pool Class
  • CHOMP PT on Zoom
  • Gatherings at the Park
  • Conversations with Bette & Christine
  • Occasional luncheons and field trips

Need more information?

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Or give us a call: 401-327-5365 cell/text


join the conversation with bette & christine


May 26, 2022: Community & Connection. We will be discussing the following infographic. Benefits of “Community & Connection” Emma Seppälä, Ph.D, is Science Director of Stanford University’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education and the author of The Happiness Track.

Join the conversation is normally scheduled for the 3rd Thursday of each month, from 1-2pm on Zoom. For the month of May it will be the 4th Thursday.

Get more info here:


community and connection infographic

“I came in with a beautiful lady to the pool group as a caregiver !& I support all the wonderful people in it as friends & im greatful to be involved with this organization!”

Laura Mosher

“Connection and Community are sort of like noses. Together they may be taken for granted. Almost everyone has one. But when Connection and Community are missing, its really apparent. Cherish and nuture what you have.”

Ray Millard

“Joy! When Mom see the group she lights up. She forgets for a brief time the pain she is in.
For my you have all embraced me and I feel like I’m not alone. The MS group is a beautiful group of community the bring joy, support, encouragement and love to all of us.”

Susie Burns daughter of Kathe Burns

“When I moved from Monterey to Orange County I had no idea how important it was for me to have been a part of MS Monterey. I miss the social interaction, whether online through Zoom: CHOMP Physical Therapy exercise classes, or Art with Sophie (which I still attend whenever possible), and the outstanding special guest speakers the directors were able to get for us, such as Valentia Valentine’s informative discussions about using cannabis to aid in the quality of sleep which helped me quite a bit after several months of trial and error. Most beneficial for me was the Pool class at the Monterey Sports Center where I got the exercise I needed–group workout and water walking afterward. Sharing and having fun with others really kept me going when I’d often get depressed and didn’t feel like challenging myself to keep progressing and learning to adapt to the radical changes my body has been going through. I’m grateful for all that MPSG was able to do for me and the other members of the group and am even considering a major pay cut to move back to Monterey in order to participate in more of the activities that MS Monterey has to offer.”

Laurence Howard

Disclaimer: Content on our site is provided for information purposes only; therefore, this material is not intended to advise. This information includes a link to a site that is maintained by another; MS Monterey is not responsible for content on this site. Please remember to consult with your doctor or health care provider before making any changes to your medication(s) or medical regimen.