join the conversation bette and christine

Join the Conversation with Bette & Christine on Thursday, January 19th @ 1pm, on Zoom.

Let’s start the New Year with “How do I?” We’ll consider some of the challenging situations someone with MS or PD might encounter. And then we will, as a peer group, offer suggestions from our own experience.

Consider these questions.


• Let others know that I need help?
• Confide in a friend that I am struggling with loneliness?
• Deal with the financial insecurity brought on by MS of PD?
• Explain to others what I am going through? Or should I not even try?
• Let go of the past? And is that important?
• React when someone hurts my feelings through an insensitive comment?
• Protect my emotions when around children who ask difficult questions about my appearance or mobility issues?

We welcome you to come with your own “How do I?” questions. Or with your seasoned answers. And if you just want to listen in, that’s okay too!

MS Monterey is all about improving quality of life for all those affected by MS and PD. Join the Conversation with Bette and Christine and it might just take you a long stride forward in having more positive experiences with your daily life!

Disclaimer: Content on our site is provided for information purposes only; therefore, this material is not intended to advise. This information includes a link to a site that is maintained by another; MS Monterey is not responsible for content on this site. Please remember to consult with your doctor or health care provider before making any changes to your medication(s) or medical regimen.