my ms team
Flushing of the face — reddened, warm skin — can sometimes occur as one of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS), as a side effect of MS treatment, or for other reasons. Flushing can feel warm and uncomfortable. Many MyMSTeam members empathize with this “annoying” symptom of multiple sclerosis.

Although a flushed face can be embarrassing and frustrating to deal with, there are ways you can help manage it, through a discussion with your doctor or with approaches you can take at home. This article discusses possible causes of face flushing with MS, as well as how to manage the flushing.
What Does a Flushed Face With MS Feel Like?

Dealing with a flushed face can be difficult, especially combined with other MS symptoms. As one MyMSTeam member shared, “I have a flushed face daily. When my face is flushed, my face and scalp sweat. It’s embarrassing when I am in public.”

Many members report feeling generally overheated or feverish when their face becomes flushed. “I got up this morning with a fever and a flushed face,” wrote one. Some find that certain conditions exacerbate this symptom — as one member described, they sat in “a strong breeze and sunshine all day — face is stinging and flushed!” Another shared that they “get so hot I have to go into the bedroom [and] lie down with the overhead fan on and my stand fan on.”
What Causes Flushed Face in MS?

Facial flushing is a paroxysmal symptom of MS. Paroxysmal symptoms refer to symptoms that appear suddenly and disappear after a short period, usually just seconds or minutes. Paroxysmal symptoms — which also include spasticity, vision problems, and dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) — are caused by issues with the central nervous system in which nerve fibers send out the wrong signals at the wrong times.

Read the full article here:

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