Many people with multiple sclerosis (MS) may wonder whether trying a certain diet — or eliminating a certain food group from their diet — can ward off MS symptoms like fatigue or cognitive decline, or even change the course of the disease entirely.
It’s no wonder: Special diets, supplements, and even food-sensitivity testing are routinely touted online as ways to substantially lessen MS symptoms or even “beat” or “cure” the disease. Sometimes these recommendations are made by medical doctors, sometimes by practitioners of complementary or alternative medicine, and sometimes simply by individuals who feel better after changing their diet.
As a registered dietitian nutritionist with relapsing-remitting MS who counsels other people with MS about diet, I’ve encountered many myths about the role of diet in managing this disease.
In most cases, there’s little to no evidence that the recommended dietary change has any effect on MS. And worse, some of these changes can make it harder for you to get all the nutrients you need to stay healthy.
Here are some of the most common myths I’ve come across — and the truth about each one.
Read the full article here:
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